Everyone is Welcome

Meeting People of Faith ~ On their Journey ~ Wherever they Are

Welcome!  The Sacramental Community of the Coworkers of Christ welcomes you and not just some of you but all of you and we welcome you just the way you are!

The SCCWC is less of an institution and more of a family. We're a Christian people by the grace of God, an emergent church from the catholic tradition, and a contemporary expression of a mindful faith.

Lead with Love ~ Celebrate the Spirit ~ Engage the Mind ~ Cherish the Soul

We are a dynamic, emerging, and growing part of the catholic or universal church. Please be patient with us, as we're not done discovering who God is calling us to be yet. If you're looking for the perfect church, we're not it but if you’re looking for a group of flawed but faithful and compassionate people to join on this quest of faith, we might be a good fit for you. Keep reading.

We don't ask that you believe and act exactly as we do. We want you to discover your own spirituality and your own personal relationship with God. It is our hope that together we can help one another do exactly that, by sharing our experiences, insights, knowledge, doubts, concerns, sorrows, joys, prayers, worship, and love. Our communion is built upon faith, diversity, imagination, intellect, freedom, compassion, and acceptance.

Maybe you've heard of the Independent Catholics or maybe perhaps the Old Catholics. Well, we are similar to those venerable traditions but we offer our own distinctiveness. We're from the Free Catholic Movement and are an ecumenical free catholic communion of individual Christians and various ministries who support catholic unity. We have come together with at least one unifying motive: a love for Christ, His Church, and the Sacraments.

With this Free Catholic distinction in mind, we are open to but not universally demanding of, traditional, conservative, moderate, progressive, and liberal thought, doctrine, and liturgical expression. Members of this church walk many paths and come from diverse Christian traditions, but a common thread that binds us is a deep abiding love of Christ, His Church, and the Sacraments. That is our centering point. That is our unity.

While we are well aware of the differences among us and the variety of beliefs the Sacramental Community of the Coworkers of Christ will encompass, we will attempt to be the kind of community that we believe Jesus called us to: one of faith, hope, and love. Holding on to that calling let us focus on our unity and show charity in those areas where there is no unity. Remember the advice of a great Celtic Christian, Saint Cuthbert, “Do not ever think yourselves better than the rest of your companions who share the same faith.”

Since the founding of our autonomous and autocephalous jurisdiction our communion continues to rediscover the foundational unity of the Message of Christ, and our commitment to the mission of becoming more faithful servants of Christ in every generation, especially for those marginalized by institutional religion and society. Unity and mission are organically linked in the Body of Christ. We are nourished and sustained by the Logos, experienced in study, prayer and sacrament, and expressed in our service to the least of our sisters and brothers.

Just a little bit more about us...

Believing in Jesus does not mean believing in doctrines about him. Rather it simply means to give one's heart to Him at its deepest level. Believing with the heart in relationship with Him makes you a mystic. In believing this way you too can experience God firsthand.

Our vision is not about following some set of rules or regulations that men have set down. It is about following Jesus, the Son of God, Redeemer of the world, and Lord of our lives. We believe there are many folks in this world who are hurting and who are without community, who have been seemingly discarded by the church. We take the stand that the church should help foster and build a sense of community upon the personal experience of Jesus Christ, not destroy it.

This is just a bit about who and what we are. We are even now just discovering our place in God's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. We are a small but growing, vibrant expression of God's Church. We would encourage you to visit us for worship or contact us to find out more about this expression of Christ's One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. You might just find a home amongst us, but at the very least, you will find friends. Come to the table He has prepared for you!