Ordination to the Priesthood of Drew Dickerson

Announcement of Ordination

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

 To the Faithful in Jesus Christ throughout the world, Peace and Apostolic Benediction. 

 Be it known by the tenor of these presents that in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-one, 
In the sixteenth year of our Episcopate, on the tenth day of April,
Feast of Saints Beocca and Hethor and the Monks of Chertsey, we:

 + The Most Reverend Brian Ernest Brown
Bishop of the Ecumenical Free Catholic Church Diocese of the Road to Emmaus

In the due exercise of our sacred commission and pursuant to the powers vested in us by virtue of our Apostolic Succession, during a Pontifical Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, did impose our hands upon: 

Drew William Dickerson

Ordaining him to the sacred and holy Order of Priests in 
Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

To be a servant to the people of God and to work as pastor, evangelist, and teacher.

He is commanded to take his place as a servant of Christ’s flock in assuming the office of 
 Priest in the Ecumenical Free Catholic Communion Diocese of the Road to Emmaus.

The said rite took place at the Chapel of the Saint Mark in the city of Eureka Springs Arkansas 

According to the rites of the Ecumenical Free Catholic Communion.

In faith and testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and affixed our seal.

+The Most Reverend Brian Ernest Brown
Bishop of the Ecumenical Free Catholic Communion Diocese of the Road to Emmaus